A young man named Jack inherits a casino empire from his deceased grandfather. He discovers a hidden world of magic and adventure when he follows the clues left behind by his grandfather. Jack must navigate giant beanstalks, fairy-tale creatures, and a legendary dragon to ultimately uncover the truth about his family's legacy.
In this animated Christmas movie, a talking mouse helps save Christmas by making amends and believing in Santa Claus. The movie is based on the poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and portrays the story of a town that has lost faith in Santa Claus. It follows the adventures of a mouse named Albert who teams up with Santa Claus to restore the town's belief in Christmas.
Little Audrey isn't interested in reciting Mother Goose rhymes with the other kids in class. She'd rather read her modern comic book. When she's caught not paying attention by the teacher, she is ordered to sit in the corner. Audrey falls asleep and soon realizes that Mother Goose can be modern too.
Lulu's dream combines "Jack and the Beanstalk" and her favorite superhero comic books.
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