Fear City is a gripping crime thriller set in the dark underbelly of Manhattan, New York City. The film follows a group of police detectives as they investigate a series of brutal murders and navigate the dangerous world of organized crime. Tensions rise as they uncover shocking secrets and face deadly encounters, all while trying to protect the city they love.
Good Morning is a gentle comedy that follows the everyday life of a family in post-war Japan. It explores themes of generational conflict, social dynamics, and the importance of communication.
Clockwatchers is a dark comedy that follows the lives of four office temps as they navigate the monotony of their jobs, deal with workplace politics, and struggle with personal insecurities. The film explores themes of friendship, identity, and the impact of the corporate world on individual lives.
When a group of women feel unappreciated and mistreated at their jobs, they decide to go on strike during Christmas time. This decision not only affects their work lives but also their personal lives and the events surrounding the holiday season.
In Wedding Wars, a man named Shel goes on strike in order to protest the governor's refusal to allow same-sex marriage. Shel's brother, Ben, is a speech-writer for the governor and disagrees with Shel's actions. The strike causes strained family relationships and puts Shel's relationship with his boyfriend at risk. As the strike gains nationwide attention, it becomes a symbol for the fight for equal rights.
Mary and her steady, Jack, have differing opinions on "the stage"-- Mary wishes to devote her life to the craft, while Jack strives to settle down and leave all that play-acting behind. When a traveling troupe that performs a Fall-of-Roman epic is ordered to strike, both Mary and Jack are called upon to participate in their stead.
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