Daffy Duck opens a detective agency and investigates various cases with his Looney Tunes friends, encountering monsters, werewolves, and other comedic situations.
A fishing boat is attacked at sea by a gigantic, hairy monster. After examining the sole survivor (Kanji Tsuda), scientific adviser Dr Murakami (Shiro Sano) suspects the culprit is a “Keukegen spectre”, a shaggy supernatural beast from Japanese folklore. The announcement leads reporter Hideo Akihara (Ken Osawa) to a forest shrine dedicated to the Keukegen Geharha, where he finds several worshipers and learns that an ancient seal containing the monster has been broken.
After indulging in horror comic book reading, Daffy has a dream where he is singing in a nightclub for monsters.
The parody of the famous agent thriller is a production of The Japanese American Toy Theatre of London. The cast was recruited solely from a toy depot. 0017 James Bonk, for instance, is played by a small plastic Godzilla, his colleague 0016, who is murdered by being painted black, by a wind-up eggplant.
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