In the small town of Australia, a teenage boy discovers his passion for go-kart racing with the support of his single mother and the guidance of a racing champion. Together, they navigate the challenges of the championship and learn valuable lessons about family, perseverance, and friendship.
Undercover Angel is a heartwarming comedy about a writer who discovers fatherhood through a precocious child. When Harrison, a struggling writer, finds himself in a child custody battle, he must learn to navigate the world of parenting with the help of an unexpected ally, a precocious nine-year-old girl named Becca. Together, they embark on a series of misadventures that teach them about love, family, and the importance of cherishing every moment. With a mix of humor and heart, Undercover Angel is a delightful tale that will leave you smiling.
Jimpy leads a gang of kids as they attempt to beat another gang, no matter how underhanded their tactics are.
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