In a world where humans have built giant engines on the surface of the Earth to search for a new home, the journey to the universe is fraught with danger. To save their dying planet, a group of young people must bravely take on the challenge of a life-and-death race against time.
In the year 2500, the sun is dying and humanity must move the Earth to a new solar system. As the Earth is transformed into a giant spaceship, a group of brave individuals must overcome various obstacles to ensure the survival of mankind.
Details the virtually unknown story of the Council On Foreign Relations and how this think tank is responsible for defining the U.S. globalist agenda.
Find out how the sovereignty of the U.S. is Being subordinated to global Interests: foundations at the presidio United Nations, Chinese interests, Panama Canal. See How the U.N. indoctrinates our children see interviews with witnesses of Oklahoma bombing.
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