In this animated comedy, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy dream of becoming musketeers and are given the chance to prove themselves. They are tasked with protecting Princess Minnie from the evil plans of Captain Pete. Along the way, they face exciting adventures, hilarious mishaps, and learn the true meaning of friendship and loyalty.
In this animated sequel, Fievel Mousekewitz and his family move out west to the lawless frontier, where they must overcome various challenges and take on a gang of villainous cats.
When the school principal plans to cancel summer vacation, it's up to a group of friends to save the day and ensure that they can enjoy their summer break.
In a future world where replicants are banned, an industrialist demonstrates his new Nexus 9 replicants to a committee, highlighting their obedience and lack of emotions, but a demonstration goes wrong, leading to a tense situation.
Shortly after his arrival from South America to New York, Steven Humbolt is found dead in his apartment at the Savoia Hotel. Inspector Decker Dawes investigates the case and although the cause of death is described as apoplexy, Dawes is convinced it as murder, especially after he learns that Humbolt had been married fifteen times.
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