Pasadena is a gripping TV show that revolves around the dark secrets and murder mystery in the glamorous city of Pasadena, California. The story follows a group of individuals who become entangled in a web of deceit and betrayal as they navigate through the complex world of crime, drama, and romance. This addictive drama uncovers the hidden truths behind the facade of wealth and showcases the power struggles, scandals, and unexpected twists that unfold in the lives of its characters.
In a park on a rainy evening, a 19-year-old university student, Fumi, offers an umbrella to a soaking wet 10-year-old girl, Sarasa. Realizing her reluctance to go home, Fumi lets her stay in his place, where she spends the next two months in peace. They take each other's hands and seem to have finally found their place in the world until Fumi is arrested for kidnapping. Fifteen years later, the lonely two are reunited both still suffering from the stigma as the victim and perpetrator of a pedophile case. Will the society give a place to their unshakable bond they have formed?
Undertow (1949) tells the story of an ex-convict who is forced into a life of crime after being framed for murder by his girlfriend. Seeking revenge, he must navigate the dangerous underworld of the Chicago mob and uncover the truth behind the betrayal. Set in 1940s Chicago, this film-noir explores themes of infamy, betrayal, and the pursuit of justice.
In Singapore, con artist Michelle marries a corrupt local businessman to avoid prison, then swindles him and escapes the country. He follows her to L.A., so she moves in with her hunky oil tycoon ex and his scheming girlfriend, Lisa.
June is a wedding organizer who is assigned to plan and coordinate a wedding for the hottest of couple of the year, Pat and Note.
Never Let Go is a British crime thriller film released in 1960. It tells the story of a man named John Cummings who gets caught up in a car theft ring after his car is stolen. As he tries to track down his stolen vehicle, he discovers a web of organized crime and corruption. With the help of a young boy and a female accomplice, John must navigate through dangerous situations and confront his own fears and limitations.
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