Made In Abyss is a dark fantasy anime that follows the journey of a young girl named Riko. She ventures into the Abyss, a treacherous and mysterious chasm, in search of her mother who disappeared years ago. Along the way, she befriends a humanoid robot named Reg and together they face dangerous creatures, encounter ancient relics, and uncover the secrets of the Abyss.
Your Lie in April is a heartwarming story about a young pianist named Kōsei Arima who is haunted by the trauma of his mother's death. He meets a talented violinist named Kaori Miyazono and together they embark on a musical journey of friendship, love, and self-discovery.
Explore a magical world filled with dungeons, gods, monsters, and adventure as a swordsman and his goddess companion embark on a quest to become heroes.
Determined to protect his demon world from heavenly angels, demon Masatora Akutsu heads to earth in search of a charismatic human to rally his kin. Masquerading as a high schooler for his recruitment mission, he's captivated by the lovely Lily Amane. But he's in for a wild celestial surprise, because she's his archnemesis—an angel—and she's set on reforming his demonic ways!
In a world where humans triumphed in a great war, Kai guards sealed crypts containing their enemies. But when “World Rebirth” overwrites history, he’s thrust into an alternate reality where humanity lost the war and he’s been forgotten by everyone he knows. Now, this lost hero must rise to restore the world’s balance!
Boarding School Juliet is a romantic comedy anime set in a high school where students from two rival dormitories, the Black Doggy House and the White Cats House, constantly compete against each other. However, despite their rivalry, two students, Juliet Persia and Romio Inuzuka, find themselves falling in love with each other. The anime explores their secret relationship and the challenges they face in balancing their love with their loyalty to their respective dormitories.
Fortune Arterial's story revolves around the male protagonist Kohei Hasekura, who transfers into a prestigious public school in the style of an English six-year school encompassing junior-high and high school students. The school is on an island named Tamatsu Island off-shore from mainland Japan, and the only way to get there is by boat. Soon after transferring, he discovers that one of the student in the class next door to his, Sendo Erika, is in fact a type of vampire.
In Whoever Slew Auntie Roo?, a wealthy woman becomes deranged and kidnaps children to replace her deceased daughter. She believes that a little girl who reminds her of her daughter is the reincarnation of her child. As Christmas approaches, the situation escalates, leading to a horrifying climax.
In the summer of '76, after pinball and complaining lose their thrill, Val and Tim steal their friend Randal's car. The boys pick up some girls, Kari and Vicki, and go for a ride up in the hills. They intend to return the stolen car before Randal finishes baseball practice, but their adolescent hijinks spiral out of control. The short film seems to be designed to make teenagers see that joyriding isn't just a bit of fun.
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