In the year 2084, after an alien invasion, a young fixer named Milly returns from the future to the year 2002 to prevent the destruction of humanity. She teams up with an underground punk named Miyamoto and they face off against the yakuza and a powerful hitman while trying to save the world.
Raggedy Ann and Andy, living dolls, embark on a musical adventure to rescue a French doll trapped in a snow globe and bring her to their owner's 7th birthday party. Along the way, they encounter pirates, mutiny, and a perilous journey on a pirate ship.
No Pants Girls is a 3 segment film directed by Sono Sion, Shô Tsukikawa and Reiko Saito. They deal with girls discovering sexuality, through their innocent eyes. The actors and actresses are the same in the three films.
La Ramona follows the story of a 16-year-old girl who becomes a victim of human trafficking and is forced into a life of prostitution. With tremendous courage, she manages to escape her captors and finds solace in the vast desert. Along her journey, she confronts the harsh realities of life, including loss of innocence and the challenges of survival. Through her determination and resilience, she seeks to reclaim her freedom and build a better future for herself.
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