My Little Monster (2018) is a romantic comedy movie based on the popular Japanese drama series. It follows the story of a high school girl who unexpectedly becomes friends with a seemingly cold and distant classmate, leading to a unique and heartwarming romance.
In Night Fright (1967), a police officer investigates strange occurrences in rural Texas, leading to a horrifying discovery involving mutants and creatures. As a federal agent and a group of college students join the investigation, they uncover a cult's experiment gone wrong. The terrifying events unfold in a small town, including encounters with a bloodless monster, dancing in a girl wearing a short dress, and a party by a lake. The investigation takes them to a diner, hospital, and a mannequin factory, unraveling a plot filled with terror and suspense.
In 'Always a Bridesmaid,' a woman named Corina James is always a bridesmaid but never a bride. She starts questioning her love life and wonders if she will ever find the right person. With her best friend in tow, Corina embarks on a journey to change her luck in love.
Stéfanie, nursing an old man in a nice country villa, has been killed by young men; they will try to replace her with a double; when she finally gets suspicious they plan to kill her too
A story about the first love set in a Georgian village.
About the forbidden attraction of a father towards his daughter.
The scientist Prof. Dr. Franz Hergarten has to leave his playmate, the blonde Lisa, at home, because he is supposed to bring highly explosive and important documents from Germany to New York as an important secret bearer and courier of a certain organization. An ocean liner is chosen as the means of transportation. German security forces are to accompany him and shield him from unwelcome strangers. Soon Hergarten realizes that some agents of hostile powers, who are also keen on the secret papers, are on him, using every trick and weapon imaginable - including women.
Queen Mary Lou's minister gives a speech that sends the courtiers to sleep. This allows the Queen to sneak out, where she finds people holding a party with entertainment.
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