Totally Spies! follows the adventures of three high school girls, Sam, Clover, and Alex, who work as secret agents for WOOHP (World Organization of Human Protection). In between their high school lives, they go on exciting missions, using high-tech gadgets and their intelligence to save the world from evil villains. With their unique personalities and bond of friendship, they face various challenges and uncover hidden secrets while balancing their secret spy lives with their everyday teenage lives.
Humanity's battle of many years with the kaiju, giant monsters, has finally come to an end. Now that Earth has entered an age of peace, girls with the souls of kaiju have begun to appear, giving them the ability to transform into kaiju. They are known as the Kaiju Girls, and this is the powerful, transient, beautiful, and at times easygoing story of the strange fate these girls bear.
Spirit: Riding Free is an animated TV show that follows the story of a young girl who forms a deep connection with a wild horse named Spirit. Together, they go on exciting adventures in the Wild West, facing various challenges and forming lasting friendships along the way.
Basically this is a commercial for Hollywood's Lido Lounge and for MGM contract players. The Lido is a large watering hole; we visit one afternoon with an orchestra playing, all sorts of stars and would-be stars sitting at tables near the pool alongside paying customers, and bathing beauties parading and diving. The Lido's manager, Reggy Denny, introduces the stars in the audience. He's sometimes interrupted by someone who does a bit, sings a song, or otherwise entertains: most of these are novelty acts. By the end, everyone's having a swell time.
'Aarhus Stories' is the result of an unconventional partnership between film directors and song writers. The song writers' songs replace the traditional manuscript and challenge the director in an entirely new way. The films have all been shot in Aarhus in 24 hours, and they all last three to ten minutes. Kasper Winding and Thomas Blachman - both of them extremely productive, charismatic drummers and personalities - introduce us to this take on a 2009 Aarhus Story.
This harmless Universal musical comedy is worth having as one of the few filmed records of legendary Broadway comedian Jimmy Savo (his previous starrer, Once in a Blue Moon, is among the rarest of collector's item). The story proper is carried by Robert Wilcox and Nan Grey, cast as a pair of mismatched lovers who share a common interest in horse racing. Hero and heroine get mixed up in a shady get-rich-quick scheme, which threatens to turns disastrous but which ends up solving everyone's problems.
A trio of competing bands vie for a spot on a rural radio program.
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