Silent House is a horror thriller film directed by Chris Kentis and Laura Lau. It follows a young woman named Sarah who, along with her father and uncle, is renovating an old house. As they work, strange and terrifying events start to occur, and Sarah finds herself trapped inside the house, fighting to survive while uncovering the dark secrets hidden within its walls.
In 1930s England, a teenage girl living in a castle with her eccentric family experiences first love and navigates the complexities of relationships.
15-year-old Solange lives in a little town in the French Alps. When her parents get divorced, she discovers her femininity and has her first sexual experiences.
Angel Face follows the story of a single mother who meets a mysterious stranger at the seaside. This encounter sets off a chain of events that dramatically alter her life. With elements of drama and mystery, the film explores themes of relationships, personal transformation, and the consequences of choices.
This sex education movie explore themes of body development, sexual hygiene, masturbation, menstruation, puberty, sex and giving birth.
A new teacher arrives at a small village in rural Thailand. He has just left the monkhood and has taken a job at the local school in a quest to discover life outside the monastery. He finds that one of his pupils is a mute girl who is being bullied by the other children in the class. Both the teacher and the girl must face the challenges and cruelties of the real world. The girl retreats into a fantasy world, finding solace in the forest with a strange wild boy. The teacher struggles to bring her back, whilst at the same time himself questioning the world of reality. The worlds of fantasy and reality clash with tragic consequences.
Ice Palace is a drama mystery movie based on the novel of the same name. Set in a small community in 1930s Norway, it tells the story of a 12-year-old girl's sexual awakening and her forbidden love for another girl. The movie explores themes of friendship, loneliness, and the search for identity in a conservative society.
Seeds is a horror movie that explores the themes of family affairs and depravity. The plot centers around a haunted family and the disturbing relationship between an uncle and his niece. The movie takes a dark turn as the secrets of the family are revealed, leading to a nightmare of unimaginable horrors.
In 1921, in the Danish town of Egtved, on the Jutland peninsula, was discovered one of the most important Bronze Age burial sites: the tomb of a girl who lived around 1370 BCE. Who was that girl and what was her daily life like?
A family vacation in the mountains. Nine-year-old Eliane is as free as a caged bird. She tries to escape her bossy mother, who lives in a state of pathological stress that affects Eliane and her siblings. Partially-deaf, Eliane uses her disability to protect herself from the adults around her. Despite the emotional bruising and trauma, she faces up to her own isolation and looks for freedom in wide open spaces.
A girl, struggling with poverty and traumatic memories, runs away to join a circus. She finds solace and a new family in the circus community.
Two young brothers living in rural isolation struggle to survive in the wake of a mysterious attack, only to have their fragile world shattered by the arrival of a teenage girl. Home by John Henry Hinkel
Hot summer day. Colombia. What starts as an insignificant afternoon for two sisters, goofing around as they always do, will forever change their bond when their cousins pay them a visit.
Amidst a worldwide pandemic, two young sisters are stuck in an isolated home. An odd man appears in a hazmat, apparently wanting to help...
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