The story revolves around high school girls who discover the appeal of motorcycles. Sakura Hane is a high school student who looks a little bit like an airhead. On the way to her all-female high school one day, she is worn-out climbing a hilly road with a bicycle, but she sees a girl named Onsa Amano who is riding a motorcycle. Sakura immediately becomes interested in motorcycles, and she and Onsa join the motorcycle club at the school. Then, Sakura sets out to get her license.
In 'The Damned,' a group of youth-gang motorcycle enthusiasts in England discovers a secret military experiment that has caused the apocalypse. They must navigate the dangerous and mutated world as they try to survive and find a way to reverse the effects of the experiment. With the British army on their trail, they form a brother-sister team to outsmart their pursuers and uncover the truth.
When Mickey Matson receives a package containing his grandfather's pocket watch, he is thrust into an adventure to uncover the secrets behind his family's past. Alongside his new friend Sully, Mickey must solve puzzles and outsmart the villainous Copperhead in order to find a hidden treasure and save their town.
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