In a post-apocalyptic world plagued by a deadly virus, a widower and his daughter must navigate dangerous territories. To protect her, the father disguises the girl as a boy, and they face numerous challenges together. They encounter violence, death, and even discover a dead body. The girl's strength and determination play a crucial role as she saves her father's life and shares stories of the past.
In 'Just One of the Guys,' a teenage girl named Terry decides to dress up as a boy and attend a rival high school to prove that she can be a successful journalist. Along the way, she faces various challenges and learns valuable lessons about gender roles and identity.
When you feel you need a fresh start, do something remarkable. Shave your head. That’s what Sasha did when she discovered that she was no longer able to live with her grandpa, who raised her, but is now hospitalized with cancer. Sasha has to move from a small town to her Dad’s in the Moscow suburbs. Unexpectedly everybody in Moscow takes her — shaved and lost — for a boy. From that point Sasha begins her wandering through the big city and its lonely, hidden places.
Manny coaches soccer for the fashionable Creighton Hall school, but is relieved of duty because he is 'not a good match' for the school. He finds a job at a Catholic home for orphans, where he forms a new soccer team, with the help of one very good player Pepe who turns out to be a girl. 'Pepe' is the sister of one of the orphans, who comes to the all-boy orphanage posing as a boy, because her former foster home was an abusive environment. Along the way, Manny has incurred a gambling debt, his creditors begin to lean on him, and the boys find out. They set up a soccer game and stake the outcome against Manny's debt. If they win, the debt will be forgiven.
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