Sailor Moon is a classic anime TV show that follows the story of Usagi Tsukino, a middle school girl who transforms into Sailor Moon, a magical superhero, to save Earth from various villains and protect the princess of the Moon Kingdom. Along with her fellow Sailor Guardians, Usagi fights against the forces of evil while navigating the challenges of school, friendships, and teenage romance.
Star Butterfly, a teenage princess from the magical kingdom of Mewni, is sent to Earth as a foreign exchange student. She becomes friends with a boy named Marco Diaz and together they battle various villains and protect the multiverse from evil forces.
Kim Possible is a high school student with a secret life as a spy. With the help of her best friend Ron and her naked mole-rat Rufus, she saves the world from villains while trying to navigate the challenges of teen life.
The Owl House follows the story of a teenage girl named Luz who stumbles upon a magical portal and finds herself transported to a mysterious world called the Boiling Isles. There, she discovers that she has magical abilities and becomes an apprentice to Eda, a powerful witch. Together with her friends, Luz must navigate through a world filled with witches, monsters, and other fantastical creatures while unraveling the mysteries of the Owl House and her own magical abilities.
Follow the adventures of Eliza Thornberry, a young girl who has the ability to talk to animals. She travels with her eccentric family in their hi-tech RV, encountering various wildlife and exploring different cultures.
Sailor Moon Crystal (2014) is an anime TV show about a girl named Usagi Tsukino who transforms into Sailor Moon, a superheroine with magical powers, to protect the world from evil villains.
Amphibia follows 13-year-old Thai-American girl, Anne Boonchuy, who is mysteriously transported to the fantastical world of Amphibia, a marshland full of talking frogs, toads, and other anthropomorphic amphibians. Anne must navigate this new world and find a way back home, all while discovering her own strength and becoming a hero.
Twelve Forever follows the adventures of Reggie, a twelve-year-old girl who discovers a magical world where she can stay forever. Along with her friends, Todd and Esther, Reggie must navigate through a dream-like universe filled with action, adventure, and comedy.
When the parents of a group of young superheroes are kidnapped by aliens, the kids must band together and use their superpowers to save them.
Mona the Vampire is a TV show about a young girl named Mona who has an overflowing imagination. She becomes a superhero vampire detective and solves various mysteries in her town. Along with her friends, she battles supernatural creatures like vampires, mummies, and the Boogeyman.
The Cortez siblings are back as they face a new mission on an island full of genetic experiments and rival secret organizations. With the fate of the world at stake, they must use their spy skills and family bond to save the day.
When a group of kids get trapped in a virtual reality video game, they must navigate through dangerous levels and defeat the game's villain in order to save their grandfather.
When a monkey is accidentally given superpowers, he becomes a dangerous villain hell-bent on taking over the world. It's up to three kindergarten-aged girls with superpowers to stop him and save their city.
An ordinary girl is pulled into the fantasy realm of Gemworld to save it from a monstrous villain.
When Mojo Jojo kidnaps the Townsville villains and the Powerpuff Girls, it's up to the girls to defeat Mojo and save the day.
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