In post-war Japan, a traumatized pilot must confront his survivor's guilt and join forces with a team to defeat Godzilla, a giant monster created by atomic bomb radiation. As they devise plans and engage in battles, they realize the true cost of war and the power of redemption.
Gate is a TV show about a parallel universe that opens in the middle of Tokyo, leading to a world filled with fantasy creatures and magic. The Japan Self-Defense Forces are sent to explore this new world and establish diplomatic relations, but they soon find themselves engaged in a war against the Empire, a powerful nation from the other side of the gate.
Set in post-war Japan, a young woman named Noriko is faced with the pressures of marriage and family expectations. She must decide between following tradition or seeking her own path in life.
Meiko Kaji reprises her role as Nami, a vengeful female gang leader, in the second installment of this high-action series that casts a new actor -- martial arts legend Sonny Chiba -- in the role of Nami's loyal friend Ryuji. This time around, Nami is looking for Hoshiden, the man who murdered her father and shattered her once-hopeful childhood. But living under an assumed name, Hoshiden could stay hidden forever.
It is difficult to stand out at a Ginza club where every hostess wants to be number one. It is competitive. One of them is a virgin and also just eighteen years old. She wants to become the number one hostess to help pay the bills for her family. She advertises herself as 'virginity for sale.' It is an auction and the prize goes to the highest bidder. She doesn't have hostess skills however. The club's manager was the number one hostess in all of Ginza and helps the younger woman.
The story is set in a solitary hotel in Tokyo's Ginza district in a time when society has collapsed and humanity has disappeared, and nature has begun to reclaim most of the land.
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