Zoo in Budapest tells the story of a man and a teenage boy who find solace and love within the walls of a zoo. Together, they form special bonds with the animals, including a bear, a leopard, and a gibbon. As their relationships flourish, they navigate personal challenges and face the threat of fur theft, jump off a bridge for freedom, and experience the joy of first kisses. Set against the backdrop of 1930s Budapest, this pre-code film explores themes of heroism, escape, and romance.
An experimental animation for "One of These Days" by Pink Floyd.
Humans belong to a group called anthropoids. Gibbons have the most human-like traits among the anthropoids. Gibbons are the only apes capable to sing like humans and communicate through their songs. This film documents an unprecedented attempt to investigate the musicality of multiple species of wild gibbons - siamang, the white-handed gibbon and the javan gibbon - surviving in the South-East Asians habitats. The story of endangered Asian Ape unfolds in this documentary with their songs in various situations.
Going Places With Graham McNamee (1939–1940) is a news series featuring radio broadcaster Graham McNamee as reporter.
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