In this animated short film, a mischievous pink panther attempts to paint a house but causes chaos instead. With no dialogue, the panther uses unconventional methods and meets unexpected obstacles along the way.
Jerry and Jumbo follows the classic cartoon duo, Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse, as they navigate through a series of zany and comedic situations. From disguises and pretending to be a mouse to epic chases and surreal encounters with a circus elephant, this animated comedy is filled with laughter and mischief. Join Tom and Jerry in their hilarious adventures that are sure to bring smiles to audiences of all ages.
Pvt. Snafu thinks he's too smart to get caught by an enemy booby trap, but he soon finds that the traps are alluring and that he is every bit the booby.
In his ongoing quest to eat a decent meal just once, Coyote is still hunting down the roadrunner, despite a warning from the surgeon general that it can damage your health. Undeterred, Coyote employs bird seed, giant mouse traps (or traps for giant mice?) and springs in an attempt to catch the tricky bird.
Woody is happily (and nuttily) driving down the street when his car breaks down. He tries to get a loan on it from a nearby wolf. The wolf agrees to give Woody the loan but exclaims if he doesn't receive payment in thirty days, he'll take Woody's car away. Sure enough, a title card tells us, "Thirty days have elapsed (and so has Woody's memory)". The wolf appears at Woody's door trying to serve him with a notice but the crafty woodpecker pretends he's not home. The wolf tries to trap him disguised as a deliveryman giving Woody a cake... but the woodpecker throws it in his face bellowing, "I don't like cheesecake!" Finally, the fox throws a punch at Woody and believes to have seriously injured him. He sympathetically agrees to forget about the loan only to be infuriated when Woody "recovers" holding a cuckoo clock and asking, "How about a loan on the clock, Doc?"
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