In Double World (2020), a young warrior in a war-torn kingdom competes in a deadly tournament to bring balance back to his realm. With the kingdom divided and in chaos, he must face treacherous clans, mythical creatures, and powerful warriors in order to achieve victory. Along the way, he forms unlikely friendships, uncovers dark secrets, and discovers his own inner strength. Filled with action, adventure, and fantasy, this movie takes viewers on a thrilling journey through a world of magic, honor, and redemption.
4 people intend to commit suicide together by blowing themselves up using a large ball of fireworks, but strange events occur, every times they explode, they don't die and return to their initial state.
The Madballs are a zany animated rock band who rock and roll their way across the galaxy. Music is illegal on their home planet so they make a break for it on Earth.
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