In a world where humanity is on the brink of extinction, a group of humans known as the Survey Corps fight against giant humanoid monsters called Titans. The story follows Eren Yeager, a young boy who joins the corps to avenge his mother's death and protect the city from the Titans. As they uncover the truth behind the Titans and their existence, they face various challenges and sacrifices.
Auntie Edna is a fashion designer and superhero costume designer. She uses her supernatural powers to babysit and protect a baby with superpowers. Together, they face challenges like shooting lasers from eyes, giant babies, and duplicate superheroes. The film is set in the 1960s and is a mix of superhero action and sci-fi.
After a group of mutant babies are discovered on a remote island, a courtroom battle erupts over their fate. The parents and a lawyer fight against a pharmaceutical company accused of creating the mutants through pollution. As the trial unfolds, shocking revelations and gruesome events unfold, leading to a surprising and bloody conclusion.
A drunken stork delivers the baby of a giant to a normal-sized couple instead, and they try to raise him as well as they can.
Kelly makes a significant trade without consulting her husband
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