Tormented is a horror thriller film set in California on a haunted island. The story follows a jazz musician who is haunted by the vengeful ghost of his ex-lover. As supernatural occurrences increase, the musician must unravel the mystery and find a way to escape the tormented island.
Travel for Ghosts is a paranormal investigation series where paranormal investigator Vega and guests explore some of the most haunted spots in the world, seeking for the truth.
The PAntry is a psychological and supernatural horror film that delves into the darkest corners of Emily's apartment, blurring the line between reality and nightmare.
A short horror film about three men trapped in a facility that has had a containment breach. They are faced with a perilous decision that test each of their morals. What's necessary is not always what your conscience whispers.
When a young man takes his girlfriend out on the lake to propose, they come face to face with the dark spirits beneath the surface.
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