Marvel's Spidey and His Amazing Friends (2021) is an animated TV show centered around the iconic superhero Spider-Man and his team of friends. Together, they use their unique powers and abilities to protect the city from various villains and save the day. Join Spidey, Ghost-Spider, and his other amazing friends on exciting adventures filled with action, teamwork, and superhero action.
The third installment in the Spider-Verse franchise. Plot TBA.
Marvel Rising: Initiation is an animated TV show that follows the adventures of a group of teenage superheroes. The show focuses on the characters of Gwen Stacy, Kamala Khan, and Doreen Green as they develop their powers and navigate the challenges of being teenage superheroes. With the help of their friends and some supernatural powers, they fight against evil and protect the city.
When a ghost starts wreaking havoc in their city, a group of teenage superheroes must team up and use their unique abilities to track down the supernatural threat and save their home. Along the way, they will face challenges, discover the true power of friendship, and embrace their own identities as heroes.
When a threat emerges, a diverse group of teenage superheroes must come together to save the world. With their unique abilities, they embark on a mission to protect humanity and prove themselves as capable heroes. Along the way, they face challenges, discover their true strengths, and forge lasting friendships.
When an evil alien threatens her city, a teenage superhero with genius technology skills must step up to stop the invasion and protect her loved ones.
Thanks to Green Goblin and Venom, tech theft is now at an all-time high. Can our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man put an end to their mysterious villainous scheme before all of New York City is destroyed?
Gwen Stacy, on her way home from band practice to lunch, gets more than she bargained for after running a group of thugs. A fan film based on the Marvel Comics character.
Marvel Knights: Spider-Man is a no-budget fan film produced by Made Legit Media and directed by Jesse Scimeca. Make sure to stay after the credits for a little something extra. ;)
Follows the origin story of popular comic book character Gwen Stacy aka Spider Gwen as she goes through high school with her band The Mary Janes.
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