Death of a Ghost Hunter follows a paranormal investigator as she delves into a haunted house to capture evidence of ghosts. However, she soon realizes that the house is filled with malevolent spirits who will stop at nothing to drive her to madness and death. As the night progresses, the hauntings intensify and the investigator's life is put at risk. Will she survive the terrifying ordeal, or will she become another victim of the supernatural forces within the house?
Lucas Simons, an 11-year-old filmmaker, is obsessed with death after the loss of his brother. When Lucas accidentally captures a mysterious presence in one of his films, he inadvertently becomes a YouTube phenomenon, and must learn to live life in the spotlight while also learning how to once again start living life to its fullest.
Discover the reality of ghosts and the afterlife through scientific research, historical evidence, and firsthand accounts. Explore the concept of consciousness beyond the physical body and learn about what happens upon death.
As part of an online web series, five friends travel to the Canadian countryside to document their search for a local urban legend. Inspired by true events that took place in Niagara Falls, Ontario, in August of 2011.
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