When the animatronic stars of a beloved children's TV show malfunction, a group of friends find themselves trapped in the studio with the homicidal machines. As the night progresses, they must survive the gory violence and outwit an evil scientist while dealing with their own mental breakdowns and the death of a loved one.
Space pirate Cobra must rescue the beautiful bounty hunter Jane Flower from the clutches of the evil crime syndicate
In this comedic and surreal animated short, Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse engage in a fencing lesson with hilarious results. Tom, the eager student, is constantly getting into comedic situations with props like a letter, a cork, a barrel, and a puddle. The short is filled with slapstick humor and absurdity, making it an entertaining watch for both children and adults.
It's been 24 years since the serial killer Douglas Fisher was executed on Easter night. This year, a group partying teenagers not only raise some hell, but literally raise the dead.
A duck hunter sends his stupid mutt to dog college, and he comes back superciliously clever.
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