Das Boot is a thrilling TV show that takes place in 1942 during World War II. The story follows the crew of a German U-boat as they navigate the dangers of war and the challenges of life aboard a submarine. The tensions rise as they face the relentless pursuits of enemy ships and the personal conflicts among themselves. This gripping drama explores the complexities of war and the human spirit in the midst of it.
Based on Disneyland's theme park ride where a small riverboat takes a group of travelers through a jungle filled with dangerous animals and reptiles but with a supernatural element. In the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors travel to South America in search of the Tears of the Moon, a mythical tree whose petals can cure any illness, heal any injury, and lift any curse...
A German U-boat stalks the frigid waters of the North Atlantic as its young crew experience the sheer terror and claustrophobic life of a submariner in World War II. The story is told from the viewpoint of Lt. Werner (Herbert Grönemeyer), who has been assigned as a war correspondent on the German submarine U-96 in October 1941. He meets its captain (Jürgen Prochnow), chief engineer (Klaus Wennemann), and the crew in a French nightclub. Thomsen (Otto Sander), another captain, gives a crude drunken speech to celebrate his Ritterkreuz award, in which he openly mocks Winston Churchill and implicitly Adolf Hitler. The next morning, they sail out of the harbor of La Rochelle to cheering crowds and a playing band...
Das Boot is a thrilling TV show set in World War II, following the crew of a German U-boat as they face the perils of the Battle of the Atlantic. It explores the harsh realities of war, the camaraderie among the crew, and the psychological toll of life on a submarine.
In the final days of World War II, Germany assembles its remaining U-Boats to launch a desperate mission: an attack on the United States to turn the tide of the war.
A group of men go on a risky mission to recover gold from a Nazi submarine wreck in the Black Sea, but tensions rise and betrayal looms as they face numerous obstacles and dangers.
During World War II, an American destroyer engages in a cat-and-mouse game with a German U-boat in a high-stakes battle of wits and strategy.
Set during World War II, The Cruel Sea follows the crew of a British corvette tasked with protecting convoys from German U-boats in the treacherous North Atlantic. The film explores the sacrifices, dangers, and camaraderie experienced by the naval officers and crew in their fight against the enemy.
In Nazi-occupied Belgium during World War II, a group of Belgian resistance fighters are tasked with stealing a German submarine carrying a valuable cargo of uranium. They face numerous challenges and obstacles along the way, including treacherous enemy soldiers, claustrophobic settings inside the submarine, and their own personal demons. With their lives hanging in the balance, they must complete their mission and return home safely.
During World War I, a German submarine officer goes on a secret mission to gather information on the British fleet. He must navigate the dangers of espionage, double-crossing, and the loyalty of his crew.
During World War II, a Danish fisherman and his daughter get caught up in a web of espionage and danger when they discover an impostor on their fishing boat who is sabotaging their radio. They must navigate treacherous waters and outsmart a German submarine to save themselves and their ship.
A tale of life on board a Royal Navy cruiser assigned to protect the vital convoys between America and England during WWII.
A forger is forced to work for a Nazi spy ring. His conscience gets the better of him, though, and he secretly conspires with the FBI to turn over the gang.
In 1939 German U-boat captain Günther Prien receives orders to infiltrate the British Royal Navy base at Scapa Flow and sink British warships.
Accused of helping an enemy submarine, a man escapes and joins a beautiful girl in trying to find the real traitors.
Angela maintains a coastal lighthouse in Italy, where she awaits the return of her brothers from the war. She learns they are casualties and takes solace in the arms of an American sailor washed ashore. However, the sailor turns out to be a German spy, and she is torn between her love for him and her realization that he is part of the enemy force that has destroyed her family.
A British coastal command pilot is charged with neglect when it is thought that he has sunk a British submarine rather than a German U-boat. Unable to live with his actions, he volunteers for a deadly mission. His girlfriend meanwhile tries to prove that he is innocent.
Four young German naval cadets begin their military service in 1940; only one of them will survive.
A British convoy is trying to elude a group of German U-Boats.
The true incident of the German U-Boat which torpedoed an Argentine ship to make Argentina declare war on the Allies. The film was not as successful as Cristiani's previous film, The Apostle from 1917, since Without a Trace was confiscated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by order of President Hipólito Yrigoyen and purportedly destroyed. It is unknown if any copies of the film exist, and it is currently considered a lost film.