In the year 1942, a covert operation is launched to uncover a secret military facility run by America's secret Nazis. This documentary explores the history of the operation, from the prisoner-of-war camps to the intelligence gathering efforts. It delves into the involvement of German rocket scientists in the space race and the subsequent impact on the Cold War and the Apollo program. The film also sheds light on Operation Paperclip and the controversial recruitment of former Nazis by NASA. Through animation and filmmaking techniques, this movie uncovers the hidden truths of America's secret Nazi operation.
During World War II, American officer Capt. Lee Mitchell (Stuart Whitman) and a British military unit boldly infiltrate German-occupied enemy territory and attempt to kidnap brilliant Nazi scientist Dr. Von Heinken (Pinkas Braun) and bring him back in one piece. While shuttling their prized captive to safety, the Allied forces courageously assist desperate refugees and tussle with overpowering German and Russian forces.
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