Das Boot is a thrilling TV show that takes place in 1942 during World War II. The story follows the crew of a German U-boat as they navigate the dangers of war and the challenges of life aboard a submarine. The tensions rise as they face the relentless pursuits of enemy ships and the personal conflicts among themselves. This gripping drama explores the complexities of war and the human spirit in the midst of it.
A German U-boat stalks the frigid waters of the North Atlantic as its young crew experience the sheer terror and claustrophobic life of a submariner in World War II. The story is told from the viewpoint of Lt. Werner (Herbert Grönemeyer), who has been assigned as a war correspondent on the German submarine U-96 in October 1941. He meets its captain (Jürgen Prochnow), chief engineer (Klaus Wennemann), and the crew in a French nightclub. Thomsen (Otto Sander), another captain, gives a crude drunken speech to celebrate his Ritterkreuz award, in which he openly mocks Winston Churchill and implicitly Adolf Hitler. The next morning, they sail out of the harbor of La Rochelle to cheering crowds and a playing band...
During World War II, an American submarine crew is tasked with a dangerous mission to board a German U-boat and seize an Enigma machine, a device used by the Germans to encrypt their naval communications. The crew must navigate through treacherous waters and face enemy soldiers in order to complete their mission.
In the final days of World War II, Germany assembles its remaining U-Boats to launch a desperate mission: an attack on the United States to turn the tide of the war.
Das Boot is a thrilling TV show set in World War II, following the crew of a German U-boat as they face the perils of the Battle of the Atlantic. It explores the harsh realities of war, the camaraderie among the crew, and the psychological toll of life on a submarine.
During World War II, an American destroyer engages in a cat-and-mouse game with a German U-boat in a high-stakes battle of wits and strategy.
May 10th, 1940, Hitler takes on the West. Will he precipitate Europe into the Apocalypse?
During World War II, the Royal Navy pursues the German navy in a battle on the River Plate in Montevideo, Uruguay.
During World War II, a group of Nazi invaders find themselves stranded in Canada as they try to escape capture. They encounter various challenges and obstacles along their journey.
Summer 1943: Hitler engages in a decisive battle in Kursk to win the war in the East. This is without counting on the pugnacity of the Red Army and the Allied intervention in the West. Month after month, the noose tightens on the Nazi tyrant who refuses to admit defeat and precipitates his country in its fall.
During World War II, a British naval fleet is sent on a mission to sink the German battleship Bismarck in the North Atlantic. The fleet faces challenges and sacrifices as they engage in a deadly naval combat.
In post-World War II Russia, a guilt-ridden man decides to seek forgiveness and redemption for his past actions in a Russian Orthodox monastery located on a remote island. As he immerses himself in the rituals and practices of the monastery, he grapples with his own guilt and the challenges of living a solitary life. Through prayer, iconography, and the guidance of a wise hermit, he learns to find peace and a sense of purpose.
During World War I, a German submarine officer goes on a secret mission to gather information on the British fleet. He must navigate the dangers of espionage, double-crossing, and the loyalty of his crew.
During World War II, a sea captain is pursued by allied forces as he sails through dangerous waters. Along the way, he falls in love and must navigate suspicions of murder and false accusations.
Under Ten Flags is a war drama film set during World War II, featuring a story of deception, naval warfare, and British intelligence. The movie follows a sea captain who leads a Q-ship, intended to deceive the German Navy and protect British ships from U-boat attacks. As the captain navigates through dangerous waters, the film explores the challenges and risks faced by the crew as they try to outsmart the enemy.
During World War II, an aristocrat is accused of cowardice and becomes a suspected Nazi sympathizer while on a ship voyage.
When their ship is sunk in the Indian Ocean during the first world war, 50 men have to cross infinite stretches of sea and desert, avoid enemies, find allies and finally make it home to Germany. A breathtaking real-life odyssey.
Hell Below is a movie from 1933 that tells the story of a naval officer in a submarine during World War I. The movie explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the challenges of warfare.
Gift Horse is a 1952 movie set during World War II. The film follows a disgraced officer who is given the chance to redeem himself by leading an old destroyer on a suicide mission. Their objective is to destroy a German naval base in Saint-Nazaire, which is under Nazi occupation. The story is based on a true event and portrays the bravery and determination of the crew. As they face numerous challenges and obstacles, the film explores themes of sacrifice, redemption, and the human spirit in times of war.
Sink the Bismarck! (1996) is a documentary that recounts the intense naval combat and strategic maneuvers undertaken by the Royal Navy to eliminate the formidable German Battleship Bismarck during World War Two. The movie provides insight into the historical significance of this event and explores the challenges faced by both sides in this epic battle.