Triumph of the Will is a documentary film directed by Leni Riefenstahl that showcases the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, Germany. The film serves as a landmark piece of Nazi propaganda, highlighting Adolf Hitler's charisma and the Nazi Party's efforts to establish a totalitarian state. It features extensive footage of mass rallies, military displays, and elaborate parades, all designed to glorify the Nazi regime and create a sense of unity and power.
A comprehensive look at Adolf Hitler's life and rise to power, exploring his failed artistic career, his involvement in the Nazi party, and the events leading up to World War II.
Wagner (1983) is a TV show that explores the life of the famous composer Richard Wagner. It delves into his experiences with anti-Semitism, his relationships with other prominent figures such as Franz Liszt and Friedrich Nietzsche, and his struggles with money and debt. The show also takes a closer look at his marriage, his involvement in German politics and nationalism, and his interactions with the German opera scene. Throughout the series, Wagner's interactions with various characters shed light on themes of friendship, bigotry, manipulation, and the complexities of patronage.
Set in the early 1930s, Ship of Fools follows the journey of passengers on a German ocean liner as they navigate themes of hypocrisy, nationalism, and love. The ship's diverse group of travelers includes a farm laborer, a prostitute, a flamenco dancer, and a drug addict. As they encounter various challenges and navigate personal relationships, the ship serves as a microcosm of society on the brink of war.
Germany: A Summer's Fairytale is a documentary that follows the German national soccer team and their journey during the 2006 World Cup. The film explores the cultural significance of soccer in Germany and captures the spirit and excitement of the tournament. It offers insight into the passion and pride of the German people as they support their team throughout the competition.
Die Deutschen is a German television documentary produced for ZDF that first aired from October to November 2008. Each episode recounts a selected epoch of German history, beginning with the reign of Otto the Great and ending with the collapse of the German Empire at the end of the First World War. In November 2010 the second season of Die Deutschen was published in German television, beginning with Charlemagne, the Frankish King, and ending with Gustav Stresemann, the Chancellor and Foreign Minister during the Weimar Republic. Historical events are recreated through a combination of live action scenes and computer generated animations. The series was filmed at over 200 different locations in Germany, Malta, and Romania at a cost of approximately €500,000 per episode.
Found footage documentary about the rise of the nazi party and the second world war.
The last shots had been fired in the First World War — but peace had yet to be made. Inspired by Margaret MacMillan’s acclaimed work of popular history, Paris 1919 takes us inside the most ambitious peace talks in history, revisiting the event with a vivid sense of narrative. Evoking a pivotal moment when peace seemed possible, director Paul Cowan reflects upon the hard-learned lessons of history.
This film, dramatizing Weininger's life, is an adaptation of the 1982 play Soul of a Jew by Israeli writer Joshua Sobol. Weininger's last despondent hours are depicted in a dramatic furioso. His whole life passes by like distorted images in a mirror. The young genius fights a desperate battle against time, his fellow men - and against himself.
A portrait of the controversial German writer Ernst Jünger (1895-1998), the great stylist of 20th century German literature.
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