Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth is a cult-classic anime film that combines action, drama, and sci-fi elements. The story follows a group of teenage pilots who must battle against alien invaders using bio-organic robots. As the plot unfolds, the characters' psychological torment and existential struggles are exposed, intertwined with religious symbolism and genetic engineering. With its surreal and thought-provoking narrative, Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth has become a cult favorite among anime fans.
D.E.B.S. follows a group of female secret agents who must go undercover in high school to stop a supervillain's evil plot. As they navigate the challenges of teenage life, including romance and friendships, they must also balance their mission to save the world.
Theater has taken the entire world by storm in the 20th century, and teenager Kokona Ohtori aims to take the big stage. Performers who shine the brightest are called Dai Stars, and for Kokona, her first step into stardom is auditioning for the prominent theater troupe—Sirius. As she cultivates her unique sense for the stage, a story of passion and aspiration unfolds in this super-theater age.
A highly experimental film presenting a story out of chronological order taking place 15 years after a near-apocalyptic catastrophe, about four traumatized 14 year olds who are tasked with piloting massive humanoid decisive weapons called Evangelion, the psychologically maladjusted adults who handle and command them, and the events and forces that affect them or which they take part in as they engage massive hostile invaders known as "Angels."
In 1939, a British spy infiltrates a German girls' school in England to investigate potential Nazi sympathizers. As tensions rise and the outbreak of World War II looms, the spy must uncover the truth before it's too late.
In a post-apocalyptic world, a secret organization uses giant robots piloted by teenagers to fight against mysterious creatures called Angels. As the protagonist battles with trauma and existentialism, he must confront his own psychological torment and unravel the truth behind the existence of humanity.
When a German girl brings chaos during a family vacation, a man suffers a heart attack, a neighbor falls in love, and secrets are revealed.
Anne Frank Remembered is a documentary film that delves into the life of Anne Frank, a German-Jewish girl who went into hiding during World War Two to escape the horrors of the Holocaust. The film explores her experiences in hiding, her relationship with her family, and the eventual discovery of her hidden location. It also highlights the impact of her diary and the legacy she left behind.
Story of forbidden love between Serbian guy and German girl in Vojvodina, Yugoslavia. Story begins in 1940's, just as war broke out and then goes threw this turbulent period to the 1960's, showing what was happening in Novi Sad. Germans have to fleed back to Germany, everything changed, but love remained
An impoverished young man from Sicily travels to Wolfsburg, West Germany to find work. He takes a job in the Volkswagen factory after he travels through Northern Italy by train.
World War II. The Germans enter Sosnowiec, which complicates the relationship between the three friendly children.
Two unusual people make contact in German at a London coffee house.
A free-spirited young German woman arrives to stay with an aristocratic family in Sicily, causing havoc to their lives.
Eleni is abruptly left alone by her girlfriend during a trip to Norway. In order to find her lost love, she will embark on a journey far beyond the Arctic Circle.
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