Land of Storms tells the story of a young and talented gay football player named Szabolcs, who leaves his life in Germany and returns to his rural hometown in Hungary. As he tries to find his place in the conservative and homophobic community, he is forced to confront his own insecurities and desires. Szabolcs forms a complicated relationship with Aron, a fellow football player, which becomes even more complicated when another man, Bernard, enters their lives. The film explores themes of identity, love, and the struggle for acceptance.
In 1981 establishing a women's national team was of no interest to the German Football Association. Therefore an invitation to the Women's World Cup in Taipei went to the reigning club champions from the small town of Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. In the film the former players talk about the absurd conditions in which they had to fight for their great dream of playing football. Accompanied by historical footage - testimonies of a men's world that today seem all the more anachronistic - the film tells a story that is about much more than sporting success, namely equality and recognition.
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