Louise Brooks: Looking for Lulu is a captivating documentary that takes viewers on a journey through the extraordinary life of Louise Brooks, an enigmatic actress who rose to fame during the silent film era. The film delves into her struggles with loneliness, her impact on German filmmaking, and her status as a cult figure. It explores her tumultuous relationships, her writing endeavors, and her ultimate legacy as a Hollywood movie star.
This documentary celebrates the 100th anniversary of the cinema birth. It is an historic running through the technical and artistic evolution of the 7th art. We move from mute to sound, from B&W to color, trough all the genders (musical, Lyric, politic...). Beside it we have a kind of resume of the historic contest in which cinema lived till now, events and movements (neo-realism, classical etc.). All the aspects are taken in consideration: fashion, star system till the end, the sad end, of cinema in the theaters.
This film essay explores the strange case of G.W. Pabst, the Austrian filmmaker who was considered a giant of early cinema before his reputation went behind a cloud.
A broad review of the history of erotic film over a hundred years.
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