Above the Rim is a crime drama and sports movie that follows the story of a talented high school basketball player named Kyle Watson. As he prepares for a crucial championship game, Kyle navigates through the challenges of the street life, including drug dealers, gangsters, and the pressure to secure a scholarship. Along the way, he encounters issues of violence, betrayal, and personal loss, which ultimately shape his journey on and off the court.
The summer Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald lived in Connecticut inspired one of the world's most beloved novels: The Great Gatsby. We know the book, we know the films and series, but do we know the truth? Track down the mystery millionaire who threw extravagant parties, uncover new evidence of the location and players, and dig deep to discover the untold story of the real-life Jay Gatsby himself.
Little White Lie is a personal documentary about Lacey Schwartz, a woman who grows up believing she is white, only to discover her African-American heritage and confront the lies her family has told her. Through interviews and personal narrative, Schwartz explores themes of race, family secrets, and personal identity.
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