In the year 2039, Japan has been ruled by the GHQ after a deadly virus outbreak. Shu Ouma, a shy high school student, obtains a special power called the Power of Kings, which allows him to extract weapons or tools from his classmates called Voids. Shu becomes involved in the resistance group Funeral Parlor, and together they fight against the oppression of the GHQ. As Shu learns more about his power and the truth behind the virus, he must make difficult choices that will determine the fate of humanity.
ReGenesis is a thrilling drama TV show that explores the complexities of the medical and scientific world. Set in Canada, the series follows a team of dedicated scientists as they investigate and solve various medical and genetic mysteries. They tackle topics such as substance abuse, epidemics, pandemics, genetics, human cloning, and more. With high-stakes situations and moral dilemmas, ReGenesis provides an engaging and thought-provoking watch.
In Tokyo, a murderer leaves his signature, an `X`on the dead body. When found, the mark appears eerily similar to that of the one seen on the body of the dead wife of Detective Genji Ando. Banned from the investigation, he secretly reaches out to Jin Jinbo, an associate professor at the medical school`s genome analysis lab. Who better than a DNA expert to identify this potential serial killer?
Dr Adam Rutherford explores the consequences of one of the biggest scientific projects of all time - the decoding of the entire human genome.
A unique story on the discovery of a 40-thousand-year-old, perfectly preserved baby woolly mammoth. Cutting edge science and Arctic adventure come alive in this story of a unique discovery: a perfectly preserved baby woolly mammoth that suddenly appears on a Siberian riverbank, triggering an extraordinary investigation into her life and death at the end of the Ice Age. Solving the mystery of her origins unites men whose lives are worlds apart except for their link to the woolly mammoth.
This film follows a retired Border Patrol agent (Dante) as he discovers the possible existence of Bigfoot and the shroud of darkness that surrounds it. Unsure what he should do, Dante is resigned to do what he must to protect his family. He soon discovers further complexities in this hidden in plain sight world.
The letters DNA have become a part of everyday language – in the media, schools, churches, and homes. DNA exists in the cells of all living organisms and contains an incalculable amount of information necessary for life. Evolutionary interpretations have led to the incorrect beliefs that mutations and natural selection are responsible for adding the information necessary for molecules-to-man evolution and that "junk" DNA is merely a leftover from this process. This DVD will explore the fascinating world of DNA and clearly show that "junk" DNA isn't junk and that mutations and natural selection are headed in the wrong direction, corrupting and decreasing information in DNA making evolution impossible. The origin of such diversity and variability could only be the God of the Bible!
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