Freaks and Geeks is a comedy-drama TV show set in the early 1980s, portraying the lives of high school students in the fictional town of Chippewa, Michigan. The show focuses on the lives of the 'freaks' and 'geeks' who navigate through the social dynamics of high school, dealing with issues like rebellion, intelligence, and relationships.
A high school nerd starts an online drug business to impress his ex-girlfriend. With the help of his best friend, they navigate the dark web, cryptocurrency, and the world of illegal drugs.
Kat Stratford is an intelligent, strong-willed teenager with a passion for feminism. When her sister Bianca starts dating, their overprotective father imposes a rule that Bianca can only date if Kat does. With the help of her new friend Patrick, Kat navigates the complexities of high school, love, and friendships.
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