The Big Bang Theory revolves around the lives of four socially awkward friends, Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Howard, who are brilliant scientists. They navigate through their personal lives and relationships while often struggling with everyday social situations. The show primarily focuses on their interactions with their neighbor, Penny, an aspiring actress who is not part of their geeky world. The series showcases their geek culture, love for comic books, sci-fi, video games, and their enduring friendship.
After dreaming about an anime she used to watch as a child, Minoa Asagaya could not forget a particularly memorable scene. However, despite her best efforts, she cannot recall the name of the show. Due to this, Minoa asks for help from her fellow classmates at Sakaneko High School. Her conversation is overheard by Arisu Kamiigusa, the most popular and wealthy girl in class who is also a hardcore otaku. Yet even with her vast knowledge, Arisu does not recognize the show. After discovering that there isn't an anime club at their school, Minoa and Arisu create the Anime Research Club, as they may obtain the answer to Minoa's mystery if they gather people who share the same interest. Thus, Minoa is exposed to a bizarre new world—the world of anime!
Ringers: Lord of the Fans is a comedic documentary that delves into the influence and lasting impact of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings on fan culture. From cosplay to geek culture, this film takes a humorous look at how this epic fantasy series has shaped the world of pop culture and fandom.
Dweebs is an American television comedy program that ran on CBS from September 22, to November 9, 1995, before it was canceled. 10 episodes were produced, of which six aired during the original airing schedule, and the remaining four episodes were aired elsewhere at a later date.
Trekkies is a humorous documentary that delves into the world of Star Trek fandom, showcasing the dedication and enthusiasm of its passionate fans. From cosplay and fan conventions to collecting memorabilia and role-playing, Trekkies offers a lighthearted and entertaining look at the impact of Star Trek on pop culture.
Zero Charisma is a comedy-drama film about a socially-awkward nerd named Scott, who is the current dungeon master of a Dungeons and Dragons group. He lives with his grandmother and has a strained relationship with his family. When a cool hipster joins his group, Scott's authority and long-held position as the dungeon master is threatened, leading to rivalry and conflicts. The film explores themes of social awkwardness, nerd culture, and arrested development.
Feature length adaptation of the cult British zom-com web series following the adventures of three inept survivors of a zombie apocalypse through a video blog they maintain to ease the boredom of day to day survival.
Trekkies 2 is a comedy documentary that explores the world of Star Trek fans, known as Trekkies. It delves into the lives and obsessions of these dedicated fans, showcasing their love for the popular TV show. The film takes a humorous and lighthearted approach, celebrating the unique culture and community of Trekkies across the globe.
Three male college students, must do battle against Derek the Unholy, a dark wizard who is determined to hold onto his title as champion of the Larpers.
Mancation is a comedy movie about a group of friends who go on a wild bachelor party vacation. The trip takes them to Atlantic City, where they encounter various comedic situations and adventures. With themes of friendship and adventure, the movie provides laughter and entertainment.
Unicorn City is a comedy and romance movie about a socially awkward geek named Voss who dreams of creating his own fantasy city called Unicorn City. Voss is obsessed with a card game called Unicorn City and spends most of his time playing and recruiting his friends to join him. In order to prove himself to his potential employer, Voss pretends to have a girlfriend and creates an imaginary Unicorn City. As things start getting out of hand, Voss has to find a way to keep his fantasy world a secret while also balancing his real and imaginary worlds.
Dorks & Damsels follows a group of friends who find themselves trapped in an imaginary world. They must navigate through various obstacles, including kidnappings and an abusive boyfriend, while also dealing with the challenges of growing up. Along the way, they encounter pop culture references, escape from prison, and explore their love for geek culture and cosplay.
Otaku Unite! is a feature-length documentary on the history of Japanese animation fandom in the United States: from the importation of anime in the early 60s to the current boom in both the visibility and accessibility of its accompanying fandom.
Purgatory Comics tells the story of a young woman named Cola who runs from her adult responsibilities and hides in a failing comic book store. This leaves Cola to question how long she can hide from her complicated past.
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