The Grasshopper follows the story of a 19-year-old girl who gets involved in prostitution, homosexuality, and other complex relationships in her search for happiness. Set in British Columbia, Canada, the film explores themes of friendship, redemption, and the downward spiral of a young woman's life.
Robin is a social worker in Oakland on the verge of losing her job for getting too close to her clients; she's African-American and grew up in the neighborhood. She falls for Brooklyn, a White Frenchwoman, who's a thief with dreams of running a motorcycle repair shop. Robin is not only willing to be Brooklyn's lover, she's willing to join in the robberies because she sees community projects that need money: she becomes an anonymous Robin Hood. When her personal life takes a sharp turn and she wants to do one last job, Brooklyn's jealousy flares. Is there any way to resolve these conflicts of love, family, finance, and violence?
Outitude is a heartfelt documentary that attempts to get to the core of what it means to be lesbian. We explore what defines us, what connects us, and what are our commonalities. We spoke to rural and urban lesbians, poets, writers, activists, self-professed bar dykes, queer women and curious women. Personal stories tell of the diversities of identities, tales of coming out, experiences of homophobia and the varied types of activisms that offer a kaleidescope of the richness and diversity of our lesbian community.
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