The Happy Prince (2018) tells the tragic story of Oscar Wilde, a renowned writer and artist who faces social prejudices and personal struggles, including the death of his wife. Set in Victorian England and 19th-century Paris and Naples, the film portrays Wilde's life, his portrayal of an artist, and his gay theme and relationships. It captures his downfall, exile, and death, illustrating the irony of his fairy-tale-like rise and subsequent tragic fall.
Latter Days is a heartwarming story about a gay man named Christian who falls in love with a closeted Mormon missionary named Aaron. As their relationship develops, both men are faced with the challenges of reconciling their sexuality with their faith.
Testosterone is a dark comedy film set in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The story revolves around a comic book artist who is searching for love and dealing with heartbreak. His life takes a surprising turn when his boyfriend mysteriously disappears, leading him to embark on a journey to find him. The film explores themes of love, betrayal, and self-discovery in a humorous and unconventional way.
A comedy revolving around the planning of a gay wedding in a small town in Texas, USA, while facing opposition from the church and dealing with various challenges and humorous situations.
Dallas, a successful executive with a beautiful wife, dreams of having a family, while his gay brother Austin dreams of winning a local drag show. By a twist of fate, the brothers switch bodies and have to see how the other lives.
Leaving Metropolis is a heartfelt drama that follows the life of a gay painter who secretly falls in love with a married man. As he navigates through the challenges of homophobia and societal prejudice, he must come to terms with his own identity and pursue his true happiness.
Hustler ERIC COYLE, 19, has secured early release from prison by informing on his drug dealer, BENNIE. He immediately begins reassembling his former life, including girlfriend, HEATHER, former pimp, DOLORES and his best john, TOMMY. Desperate to create his idea of a family, if only even for a day, he manages to trick Tommy into getting him an apartment, a used car and a job and moves Heather in with him, but things quickly spin out of control when Bennie is brought in for questioning.
When Brandt walks into Michael's life, Michael shows him his unique collection of past loves.
Love is a bitter history of formation and growth. The discovery of the world. The self-discovery. The restless overcoming fragile shadow line of the first youth marks the path of three boys from different worlds who meet in heaven and ancestral magic of the islands. Romance of André, Camille and Santino end up exploding inside the frame closed the island of Salina, surrounded by a sea that seems to contain the memory of legends, rumors and atavistic prejudices. Stands out in this scenario of green and blue, the figure of Assunta (Angela Molina), mother Mediterranean, passionate, possessive and mysterious.
Aiden is a young man in his twenties. He lives a fairly normal life as a waiter. He is very strong and independent. But he has one weakness; his co-worker Max. Aiden and Max both have strong feelings for each other, but Max is not quite ready to reveal himself as a homosexual.
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