Rapture-Palooza is a satirical comedy that follows two young people as they navigate an apocalyptic world full of biblical prophecies, undead creatures, and unlikely heroes. With irreverence and black humor, they must team up to save the world from the Antichrist and his evil forces while facing their own personal struggles.
In 'Marlon Wayans: Woke-ish', the comedian tackles various topics including racism, LGBTQ issues, and family relationships, offering his unique and humorous perspective. With crude humor and social commentary, he explores the challenges of being African-American in today's society.
A group of college boys, bored with the every day "gay life" of LA, decide to skip Pride weekend in exchange for a camping trip in the woods. Quickly overcome with boredom in their new surroundings, the boys venture into a game that ultimately unleashes the vengeful spirit of a local legend known as Malice Valeria. Overcome by her deadly plan of tainted love and her thirst to take back what was lost long ago, the boys must now band together before they fall victim to the poisons of a broken heart.
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