Tiny Pretty Things is an intense and suspenseful TV show that takes place in a renowned ballet school. The story follows a group of talented dancers as they navigate the cutthroat world of ballet, dealing with competition, secrets, and personal struggles. Amidst the beautiful dance routines and glitz, a mysterious event unfolds, leaving everyone wondering who is responsible. As the tension rises, alliances form and friendships are tested, revealing a web of lies, betrayal, and passion.
Tony, a male dancer, struggles to make it on Broadway while dealing with personal and professional challenges in 1980s Manhattan.
Center Stage is a drama, music, and romance movie set in New York City. The film follows a group of young ballet dancers as they compete for a spot in a prestigious dance academy. Along the way, they navigate friendships, relationships, and personal struggles in pursuit of their dreams. The movie explores themes of self-discovery, perseverance, and the sacrifices one must make to succeed in the competitive world of professional dance.
In Small Town Killers, a husband and wife, frustrated by their stagnant marriage, decide to hire a hitman to kill each other. However, things quickly spiral out of control as the hitman they hire turns out to be unpredictable and dangerous. As the couple navigates their way through a series of unexpected twists and turns, they find themselves in over their heads and fighting for their lives.
Test is a drama movie set in San Francisco in 1985. It follows the story of a gay dance company and explores themes of love, promiscuity, and the impact of AIDS on the LGBTQ+ community.
Five Dances is a coming-of-age drama about a young dancer who moves to New York City to pursue his dreams. As he navigates the world of professional dance and explores his own sexuality, he experiences first love, infidelity, and the challenges of balancing his personal and professional life. Set against the backdrop of the vibrant dance scene in the city, Five Dances is a poignant exploration of self-discovery and acceptance.
Dr. Jason Love, a British doctor, is recruited as a double agent by British Intelligence during the Cold War in Paris. He must navigate political intrigue, assassination attempts, and espionage in his mission to prevent a political assassination and maintain peace.
Pierr is a young gay dress maker who lives with his younger brother in a gay porn cinema. He works in a small textile factory in order to save up some money and move to another place. After being fired because of a series of rumors about his sexuality, Pierr turns to Omar, an older man that makes a living out of prostitution, who introduces him to a community that has isolated from Peruvian society willing to find protection from its prejudices.
Dr. Jason Holden, early 50s, is in danger of losing his family, because of a tragic automobile accident. He becomes a piano accompanist at a local ballet studio and falls in love with Brandon Wykowski, 27, a troubled dancer.
A dance group rehearses for their latest performance Inabitáveis about black homosexuality. While the choreographer conducts research and gives guided tours, he meets Pedro, a young trans girl looking for her own means of expression. She desperately wants to be taught by him.
Intrinsic Moral Evil, at first sight, seems to be a tale of identity and growing up. But above all, the three dancers play a game with the viewer's perception and expectations. Is it a memory, a dream, a search for identity? Is it about losing of friendship or about coming of age? The layered story invites the audience to make its own interpretation and to take a stand.
A young musician named Ansel has an unexpected encounter with Niall, an endearing, deaf dancer.
When a young dancer moves to San Francisco in the early 1980s, signs of a sickness test his relationships, as well as his lifelong dream in this strikingly photographed and stirring portrait.
Handsome, young Ryan questions his plans to marry Beth after they have a fight. Retreating from his anxieties, Ryan finds himself inside a popular gay nightclub, where his fantasies turn to the attractive men inside. After a visit to the Bull Pen and some heady encounters in the club's bathroom, Ryan wonders if he has finally discovered the lifestyle for him
Hantirah has her future laid out. Esma dances, in search of freedom. On the eve of Aid, their thwarted love is sung between the streets of Barbès and a queer cabaret, theaters of young people of Arab origin, diverse and modern.
Joo Si auditions for the opportunity of a lifetime to be a principal backup dancer for the sexy female pop singing sensation, The 4Play Ladies.
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