Shameless is a dark comedy TV show that follows the lives of the Gallagher family, a dysfunctional group living in Chicago. The show explores topics such as infidelity, mental illness, poverty, and the challenges of growing up in a large, working-class family.
Gossip Girl follows the lives of a group of privileged teenagers from the Upper East Side of New York City, as they face peer pressure, betrayal, and the complexities of love and friendship. The series explores themes of materialism, social climbing, and the struggles of growing up in a high society.
Walker is set in the present day and tells the story of Cordell Walker, a widowed father and Texas Ranger who returns home to Austin after being undercover for two years. He must reconnect with his children, navigate clashes with his conservative family, and find common ground with his new partner, while investigating crimes in the Lone Star State.
The Fosters is a TV show that follows the lives of Stef and Lena Adams Foster, a lesbian couple who are raising a multi-ethnic blended family consisting of biological, adopted, and foster children. The show explores their struggles and triumphs as they navigate the challenges of parenting and dealing with various issues such as relationships, sexuality, and identity.
Brothers and Sisters follows the lives of the Walker family as they navigate the challenges of politics, relationships, and personal tragedies. Set in Pasadena, California, the show explores themes of family, love, and loss in the backdrop of post-9/11 America.
Six Feet Under follows the lives of the Fisher family, who run a funeral home in Los Angeles. The show explores various themes such as family relationships, sexuality, and mortality, with a mix of comedy and drama.
Animal Kingdom is a crime drama TV show that follows the lives of a dysfunctional crime family. The story revolves around a matriarch and her four criminal sons who are involved in various illegal activities. The show explores their relationships, conflicts, and the dynamics within the family.
Orphan Black is a thrilling sci-fi TV show that follows the story of Sarah Manning, a woman who discovers she is one of several clones. As she delves deeper into the mystery, she must navigate a dangerous world of secrets, conspiracies, and hidden agendas in order to uncover the truth about her origin and the purpose behind the clones. Along the way, Sarah forms alliances with other clones and together they fight to survive and take control of their own destinies.
Years and Years takes place in the near future, following the lives of the Lyons family as they navigate political unrest, technological advancements, and personal challenges. Set in the 2020s and 2030s, the series offers a cautionary tale of a dystopian society marked by the rise of fascism, immigration crises, and the effects of technology on relationships and society.
Caprica is set before the events of Battlestar Galactica and follows the creation of artificial intelligence and the development of virtual reality. The show explores the ethical and moral dilemmas that arise as AI becomes more advanced and its impact on society.
Identical twin gangsters Ronald and Reginald Kray terrorize London during the 1960s. The movie follows their rise to power, their involvement in illegal activities like drugs and protection rackets, and their interactions with influential figures such as members of the House of Parliament. As their empire grows, so do the tensions between the twins, leading to violence and tragedy. Ultimately, their criminal activities catch up to them, and the police, led by detective Nipper Read, work tirelessly to bring them down. The movie ends with Reggie's conviction and eventual release due to cancer, while Ron is declared insane and remains in psychiatric care until his death.
Set more than a thousand years before the events of The Witcher, seven outcasts in an Elven world join forces in a quest against an all-powerful empire.
In the TV show Kung Fu, a female hero with a mysterious past fights crime in San Francisco using her extraordinary kung fu skills. Set in the 2020s, the show explores themes of friendship, superheroism, and the LGBTQ+ experience.
Based on Disneyland's theme park ride where a small riverboat takes a group of travelers through a jungle filled with dangerous animals and reptiles but with a supernatural element. In the 16th century, Spanish conquistadors travel to South America in search of the Tears of the Moon, a mythical tree whose petals can cure any illness, heal any injury, and lift any curse...
Undone follows the story of Alma, a young woman who after a near-death experience in a car accident, discovers she has the ability to manipulate time. As she navigates her newfound powers, Alma becomes entangled in a mystery surrounding her father's death and must uncover the truth about her family's past.
Fantasy Island is a mysterious island where guests can live out their wildest dreams. However, as the guests' fantasies start to become nightmares, they must solve the island's mystery in order to escape.
After their mother is killed in a store robbery, four brothers take matters into their own hands and seek vengeance against the killers.
United States of Tara is a dark comedy TV show that follows the life of Tara Gregson, a woman who struggles with dissociative identity disorder. The series explores her attempts to navigate her multiple personalities while juggling her roles as a wife, mother, and individual. Through humor and drama, the show delves into the challenges of living with mental illness and the impact it has on Tara's relationships and self-discovery.
Cucumber is a TV mini-series that follows the life of Henry, a middle-aged man living in Manchester, England. The show delves into Henry's experiences and relationships within the LGBTQ+ community, including his fear of commitment, his exploration of his own sexuality, and his dysfunctional relationships with family and friends. With elements of comedy and drama, Cucumber provides a thought-provoking and raw portrayal of self-discovery and the complexities of human relationships.