The Prince (2019) is a powerful drama that takes place in a prison cell during the 1970s. It explores themes of friendship, love, and survival as the characters navigate the harsh realities of prison life. The story follows the journey of a group of inmates, including a gay man who faces prison brutality, rape, and torture. The movie also delves into complex relationships and taboo subjects such as mature woman seduces teenage boy, mother-son incest, and teenage sexuality. With captivating storytelling and intense scenes, The Prince (2019) offers a thought-provoking exploration of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
In a rainy night, a traveler seeks shelter in a bordello. Warming up by the fire, the traveler begins to recount a tale about an old man who had a young wife and her companion who was actually a young man cross-dressing as a woman.
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