The Orville (2017) is set in the distant future where humanity has achieved a utopian society. The show follows the crew of the starship Orville as they navigate through space, encounter alien species, and tackle various humorous and satirical situations. The main protagonist, Captain Ed Mercer, leads his crew in exploring new planets, engaging in space battles, and dealing with social and cultural clashes. The show combines elements of adventure, comedy, drama, and fantasy to create an entertaining and thought-provoking viewing experience.
When a peaceful settlement on the edge of a distant moon is threatened by the armies of a tyrannical ruling force, Kora, a mysterious stranger living among the villagers, assembles a small band of warriors from different worlds to make an impossible stand against the Mother World and ensure the survival of the settlement.
"Gayliens" is an anthology series ranging from sci-fi to comedy, where each episode details an encounter between gay men and extra-terrestrials.
Class follows a group of students at Coal Hill School as they navigate their way through teenage life while dealing with the consequences of time travel and encounters with aliens. The series explores themes of friendship, identity, and the challenges of growing up in a world filled with danger and adventure. As the students uncover the truth about the existence of aliens and the secrets of time travel, they must also face their own personal struggles and come to terms with who they are and what they believe in.
Super Adventure Team was an American comedy series shown on the cable television network MTV in 1998. It was produced in the style of Thunderbirds from the 1960s, with live action marionettes, but had more adult themes and suggestive situations. Much of the humor was derived from the characters' complicated personal lives overshadowing their missions to save the world.
In the year 1348, a medieval English village is whisked away to space by an alien warlord. The villagers, led by their resourceful marquis, must make the best of their situation and wage a comic and daring battle against the extraterrestrial invaders.
Ali is a journalist who conducts unsubstantiated interviews. While taking photographs for a story about aliens, he comes across a flying saucer. Out of it comes Homoti from the planet Homon. Homoti does not want Ali to report on him because he does not want to be recognized in the world. However, when journalists soon learn of his existence, they compete for the news. Homoti will have to use her special powers.
In this hilarious homage to 1970's Italian sexploitation films, Pucci and JJ sunbathe by a creek, bored, until they spot Gretchen and her delectable son, Kip. They all become quick friends and rub sun protection lotion on each other, when suddenly an alien named Suroh appears. This visitor offers a more potent sunscreen, SPF 2000, to be shared by the entire human race, in light of the earth's decreasing ozone layer. Suroh learns the sensual aspects of applying lotion to human bodies, starting with them.
Paul, a non-believer in life on other planets, late one night discovers a crash-landed and wounded alien. He rescues the being and is initiated into a psycho-sexual metamorphosis.
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