The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters is a documentary film that explores the world of competitive gaming through the story of two men vying for the high score in the classic arcade game Donkey Kong. The film follows Steve Wiebe, a teacher and family man from Washington, as he attempts to beat the long-standing record held by Billy Mitchell, a controversial figure in the gaming community. As Wiebe trains and competes, the film delves into the themes of competitiveness, obsession, and the lengths people will go to achieve their goals. With a mix of humor and drama, The King of Kong offers an engaging look at the world of competitive gaming.
Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World is a documentary that delves into the history, impact, and potential consequences of the interconnectedness of our modern world. It explores topics such as solar flares, Mars colonization, artificial intelligence, computer history, privacy invasion, internet addiction, and the evolution of technology.
For 17-year-old Jennifer, gaming has always been part of everyday teenage life. Recently she has been feeling uncomfortable and lonely. Not so long ago she moved to Munich with her parents Frank and Ariane from another city. In her new home, the girl does not find a real connection with her new classmates. Fixed by the virtual reality game "Avalonia", gaming is gradually becoming the elixir of life. Jennifer neglects her school and family responsibilities. She ignores all admonitions, restrictions and prohibitions for every precious second of the game and betrays her parents. Only the secret, excessive immersion in the virtual fantasy world of "Avalonia" seems to make Jennifer happy. The Parents have to watch as their daughter's life gets completely out of balance between the real and the virtual world.
Web Junkie is a documentary that explores the disturbing and complex world of internet addiction in China. The film follows three teenagers who are admitted to a treatment center, where they undergo military-style discipline and therapy to overcome their compulsive behaviors. Through intimate interviews and observational footage, the film sheds light on the causes and consequences of internet addiction, as well as the struggles and triumphs of these young patients.
In the augmented reality game 'Real Life Dragon Hunter', Tammy's digital obsession strains her friendship with Rachel, who tries to pull her back to reality.
Obsessive gamer Gogz is struggling to find his best friend Marinko, completely unaware of the sudden zombie apocalypse.
An experimental piece displaying the acts of common addictions.
Tensions rise between a young couple when Sarah, frustrated by Connor’s constant gaming, decides she’s had enough.
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