Star Trek: Enterprise follows the adventures of the crew of the first starship Enterprise as they explore the galaxy during the 22nd century. With Captain Jonathan Archer at the helm, they encounter alien races, face new challenges, and seek out new civilizations.
Beyond Hubble: Launching the Telescope of Tomorrow takes you on a journey to explore the groundbreaking engineering project of the European Space Agency, as they prepare to launch the James Webb Space Telescope. Get an inside look at the challenges, breakthroughs, and scientific discoveries awaiting us in the depths of space. Join renowned astronomers and engineers as they discuss the mission to unveil the mysteries of the universe and search for the origins of life.
Timelapse of the Entire Universe takes you on an extraordinary voyage from the Big Bang to the present day. Witness the awe-inspiring evolution of stars, galaxies, and life on Earth, spanning over millions of years.
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