An Impudent Girl follows the story of a 13-year-old girl named Charlotte who rebels against societal norms and explores her own identity. She forms a close friendship with a pianist and discovers her passion for music. Through her journey, she navigates family relationships and experiences the ups and downs of adolescence.
Elisa is a drama that explores themes of sexual initiation, intimacy, and taboo desires. Set in Paris, the film follows the story of Elisa, an orphan who becomes involved with a songwriter and experiences a deep cleavage between her past and her future. As she navigates through the urban setting, Elisa grapples with thoughts of revenge and a search for her father, while also facing the loss of her mother and getting entangled with criminal activities.
A dysfunctional couple, comprised of a famous pop singer and a pianist, navigate their troubled relationship while dealing with drunken antics, video shoots, and a Christmas party.
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