Sleeping with Other People is a comedy-drama that follows the story of Jake and Lainey, two people with a history of serial infidelity who meet at a support group for sex addicts. They form a close and platonic friendship, supporting each other through their struggles with commitment and love. As they navigate the challenges of relationships and personal growth, they start to develop feelings for each other, leading to a complicated and hilarious journey of self-discovery and emotional vulnerability. With witty dialogue, relatable characters, and a feel-good romance, Sleeping with Other People explores the complexities of love, friendship, and the choices we make.
Yoshimi, who just came out of Okinawa, is deceived by a runaway tribe, sold to a gangster organization, and forced to perform a bestiality show in front of customers.
Don's Plum follows a group of friends as they spend an evening together in a diner in Los Angeles. The film explores their relationships, personal struggles, and the dynamics of their friendship. From discussions about love and sex to conflicts and revelations, the characters navigate through various challenges and experiences.
In a routine sex farce, Gautier (Jean-Claude Dauphin) is a man determined to figure out how to give a woman an orgasm -- which of course requires a lot of practice and experimentation. His buddy Roussel (Jean-Luc Bideau) also chases after women but does not share Gautier's unique quest. Rose (Nathalie Nell) finds Gautier entrancing and devises a way to capture his heart while helping him on his search for the ultimate turn-on.
Learning to love her luscious self over the past forty years, comedian Margaret Cho realized that the eye of the beholder doesn't hold all the power when it comes to beauty. Our tastes may be groomed by the media, but how we feel about how we look brings our self-image into focus. Armed with something more potent than lip gloss - a mouth so shocking and raunchy it should be stamped with a warning - Cho toured America with her manifesto: "This show is really about how we should feel beautiful," says Cho. "When you feel beautiful, you're going to have more of a willingness to use your voice to speak." Shot at the Long Beach Terrace Theater, Cho's latest stand-up concert film, Beautiful, explores the good, bad, and downright ugly in beauty, and the unattractive politicians and marketers who shape our world.
Movie Overview (English) - Required (minimum 10 characters)
Oh My God! is a humorous observation of children´s interpretations and experiences of sexuality. The film also looks back through grown-up eyes at the reality of being part of the "in-crowd" and the lengths to which one is prepared to go to become a respected member. But first and foremost Oh my God! is a film about peer pressure. And about the mysteries of orgasm.
In the depths of the jungle, a group of individuals find themselves consumed by desire, hatred, and a thirst for revenge. As tensions rise, a series of events lead to an explosive climax with unforeseen consequences. From the secluded cabin to the hidden g-spot, this dark tale explores the depths of human desire and the lengths some will go to fulfill their needs.
A mockumentary about our civilization's eternal quest for "the perfect balance" between love, tolerance, morality, censorship, tradition, and experimentation.
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