During an archaeological expedition on Bouvetøya Island in Antarctica, a team of scientists find themselves caught up in a battle between Aliens and Predators. As they explore an ancient pyramid, they inadvertently awaken an Alien queen and become trapped. With the help of a lone Predator, the surviving humans must fight to escape as the Aliens multiply. They discover that the Predators have been visiting Earth for centuries, using humans as hosts for the Aliens in a hunt. The survivors must ensure the Predators succeed in their hunt to prevent the Aliens from spreading further.
In the icy wilderness of the Arctic, a group of scientists stumble upon a crashed alien craft buried beneath the ice. They inadvertently awaken the alien creature, which begins to wreak havoc on the station and its inhabitants. As the team tries to survive and find a way to destroy the creature, they must confront their own fears and the terrifying reality of an extraterrestrial threat.
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