976-EVIL is a dark comedy horror movie released in 1988. The story follows a socially awkward teenager named Hoax, who discovers a demonic phone line that grants him supernatural powers. As Hoax becomes more powerful, he starts using his new abilities to take revenge on those who have wronged him. However, his actions have deadly consequences, and he must find a way to stop the demonic forces that he has unleashed. With elements of comedy, horror, and supernatural powers, 976-EVIL is a unique and entertaining movie.
A man commits a series of murders due to his dual personalities and his zodiac birth sign.
Turn-of-the-century Hungary. Two young brothers, neglected by their cold and uncaring mother, descend deeper and deeper into psychosis, with tragic consequences.
This collection of five short films by gay artists, and regarding gay subject matter showcases the work of emerging new filmmakers. "Is One of You Eddie?" makes fun of the stereotypes typical within the gay community. "Different" offers a twist on gay and straight high school students. "The Neighborly Thing" is a thriller about a man obsessed with his neighbor. "Meet Joe Gay" asks the quintessential question, why am I still single. "A Good Son" delves into a life changing experience between two teen boys.
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