Mister Ajikko is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Daisuke Terasawa about a young boy cook. It was later adapted into anime series, produced by TV Tokyo and Sunrise. This show was broadcast from October 8, 1987 to September 28, 1989 with a total of 99 episodes. One of the earliest cooking/battle related manga and anime of its kind, there are some indications that this series is the inspiration for the live action competitive cooking show, Iron Chef.
Tori, a sports agent who values winning at all costs, decides to become more feminine in order to impress her crush at work. When she finally lands the guy, she realizes she's lost not only her true self, but also the respect of those who've loved her all along.
A city manager recruits the help of a childhood friend in setting right his town’s Christmas Charity event, while she sets to work setting him up with her close friend.
Based on 'Susanne Fröhlich' 's bestselling diet book, this comedy focuses on Carla Hahn, hosting a radio show as "Christin, the sexiest voice of Berlin". However, her listeners don't know that she is full-figured. When Tom, a charming admirer, persistently calls her on the show, she wants to meet him. As he thinks she looks a slim top model, Carla desperately tries to loose weight until their first date...
A conservative Mumbai suburb is bestirred by the arrival of an alluring cosmopolitan woman in their midst. When a wide-eyed 13-year-old boy pursues a friendship with her, he stumbles upon her secret past and is thrust headlong into adulthood.
Twelve-year-old Jules develops a penchant for falling in love with gay boys after her boyfriend leaves her for another girl. Unsurprisingly, middle school, high school, and college see Jules colliding from one friendzone disaster to the next. Things change, however, when Xander, the star actor of McKellan Performing Arts School and Jules's latest crush, falls hard for the new transfer student, Riley Sakamoto. Jules ends up playing wingwoman for Xander, only to find out Riley's fallen for *her*. Hilarity ensues for all three against a backdrop of drunken college antics and McKellan's latest bizarre production of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.
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