Grand Prix is a captivating film that takes audiences into the intense and dangerous world of Formula One racing in the 1960s. It follows the lives and careers of several race car drivers, their rivalries, romantic entanglements, and the constant danger they face on the track. The film depicts the tension and excitement of the racing world, highlighting the sacrifices and personal struggles of these dedicated sportsmen.
Charlie Chan, the famous Asian detective, is called to investigate a murder that takes place on Broadway in New York City. He must navigate a world of political scandal, corrupt politicians, and a cast of colorful characters to uncover the truth.
A man tries to build a theme park on top of land that's secretly the home to friendly Leprechauns.
Jackie Gleason and Jack Durant are teamed for the first and only time as Hank and Jed, a pair of dimwitted barbers who are forced into bankruptcy because all their customers have marched off to war. Figuring that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, Hank and Jed try to join the Army themselves, only to be rejected for a variety of reasons (When asked to read the eye-chart, Hank says he can't-not because he can't see, but because he can't read).
A commercial pilot romances both a Hollywood actress and a female aviator. 1937.
A tire manufacturer's daughter becomes a champion auto racer.
An English refugee and a street thug go to military school together.
A scout group has been divided into two camps to wander in the mountains for three days and play war games, when suddenly, two of the young red team discover an opponent on the yellow team and decide to take a prisoner , taking the game a little beyond their limits. A funny and tender story of friendship between rivals.
In this war drama, a brave reporter tries to remain detached while covering the war in Shanghai. While there, he falls for an ex-streetwalker, but must compete with a mercenary pilot for her love. By the end, the correspondent loses his objectivity after he helps the pilot save the woman from the enemy. The rescue costs the pilot his life.
The three Morgan brothers, Glenn, Jim and Buddy are all air mail pilots. The plane flown by Jim is shot down by Hugh Jeffries for the money it carries. Another flight is made by Buddy followed by Jeffries intending to shoot him down also...
A radio reporter sets out to rescue his ex-girlfriend when she is kidnapped by gangsters.
Two deep-sea divers, known only by their nicknames of "Three-Time" and "Forty-Fathoms," find that no place on earth is big enough for both of them at the same time, even the bottom of the ocean. All day long they fight to salvage sunken gold at forty fathoms deep in the ocean, and all night long they fight over dames. This situation continues even when they both go to work for Helen Young, the owner of a tug-boat and a salvage business.
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